Embody | Empower | Transform

with Alison Rothman MA, CYT, Emotional Doula

Awaken to Your True Self

Liberate yourself from limiting patterns and reclaim the deep, embodied wisdom of your true self.

Body-Centered Holistic Coaching is a unique, effective, and empowering alternative to traditional therapy birthed from 30 years of experience in holistic wellness, somatic (body-centered) healing arts and therapies, and sustainable and empowered healing.

Those willing to do the work with diligence, intentional and aligned action, integrity, and an unwavering sense of curiosity and authenticity to themselves and their process of life, will experience empowered transformation and sustainable healing from the inside out.

 We are not meant to heal alone...to grow alone...to evolve alone. 

You do not need to walk this path alone.

  • “Alison is an incredibly gifted and intuitive healer, she offers creative and aligned guidance. She has been a pool of knowledge in all things health and wellness in my life, helping me find a tangible connection with my body. I have been able to overcome paralyzing anxiety and depression, and move through trauma that was unconsciously controlling my life."

    - T.H.

  • “Her constant dedication, interest, and daily support in my life has allowed me to change behaviors, develop new skills, realize internal struggles and feel empowered to confront life with fierce power and drive.”

    - S.C.

  • “I saw Alison for several months this year when I was struggling with a mix of health and life transition issues. Alison’s gentle, intuitive, caring approach combined with her extensive portfolio of techniques and knowledge helped me through a tough time.”

    - A.B.

  • “Alison has a demeanor that exudes compassion and empathy. She has the deep experiential knowledge to guide in a way that is loving and supportive yet firm. She gave me the tools needed for my own growth and healing and gave me the guidance to set my feet firmly on my own path. I highly recommend Alison to anyone needing a new perspective for growth.”

    - A.L.

  • “My work with Alison is meaningful and measurable. I’ve made significant strides in learning how to live an empowered and embodied life. I am excited about the practices I’ve already gained and the future potential of my well-being as I continue to execute them. I highly recommend Alison!!!”

    - T.R.

  • “Alison’s brilliant work flows directly from her commitment to living an embodied, empowered and authentic life. Alison’s compassionate strength encourages turning toward and nurturing oneself as a way to navigate the challenges and complexities in our lives. Thank you Alison for helping me to understand how to take essential action in service of a grounded and empowered life.”

    - S.B.

  • “Going on a women's group retreat led by Alison was a life-changing experience. She skillfully and lovingly created space for us to open up with each other, be vulnerable, and to help each other feel heard, held, and healed.”


  • “Working with Alison has helped to expand limitations within myself, so that I could begin to manifest what I want/need externally. Alison holds a truly sacred space, full of empathy, wisdom, and love. She facilitates a woman’s group that is safe, honest, and has been monumental for my personal growth. I am so grateful for her work, she is inspirational!”



  • Individual Coaching

    1:1 Holistic Coaching

    Coaching with Alison focuses on sustainable, embodied, and intentional healing and transformation from the inside out. Reconnect to your body, heart, spirit, mind, and soul and uncover your authentic self using an array of holistic and embodied healing modalities.

    She only works with women and specializes in midlife issues, addiction recovery, anxiety/depression, relationship challenges, life transitions, and overall dysfunctional patterns of living.

  • Events

    Step away from the busyness and outer noise of everyday life and reconnect to yourself in a safe and welcoming community of fellow women on the path of healing. These events, range from monthly dances to 4-hour deep dives, and are uniquely structured to support women to experience new growth, self-awareness and discovery, inner and interconnection, liberation, and peace.

  • Holistic and Embodied Retreats


    The Embody Life Holistic Retreats are offered in Colorado (Summer & Fall) and at a rejuvenating international location in the Baja of Mexico (Winter). These retreats are deeply transformational and therapeutic providing the container for immense growth, change, and healing. Created for women ready to take their lives to the next level in a safe and supportive community of women through an embodied curriculum of practices that sustain one’s growth in life.

Through my Unique Holistic Approach to Cultivating Sustainable, Embodied, and Empowered Healing you will gain:

  • Courage to take those leaps in your life.

  • Inner connection that becomes unshakable.

  • Self-love in all of your human states.

  • Awareness to create much-needed changes in your life with confidence and integrity.

  • Relationship with one's inner world that is deep, rich, and wise.

  • Connection with yourself and the Divinity within and around you. 

  • Self-care skills to take care of yourself on an embodied and congruent level.

  • Inspiration to carry on in the face of all that arrives.

  • Strength to show up for yourself as your own hero.

The Path of the Warrior Woman: Building Resilience and Strength from the Inside Out

New Book by Alison Rothman Coming Soon!

Emotional Doula Alison Rothman, MA CYT

Meet Alison Rothman, MA CYT

Founder of Embody Life Alison Rothman has nearly 30 years of study and experiences in somatic healing arts and therapy, yoga and meditation, authentic embodiment, and holistic healing.

Through her extensive studies, practices, and experiences she provides clients and students with the ability to tap into their innate inner resource, release debilitating life patterns, and reclaim their body, mind, heart, and soul connection so as to access their true selves empowering them to live life awake, embodied, and in alignment with their true selves.

Alison is passionate about supporting and empowering women to unwind their nervous systems, release addictive patterns, let go of stories and messages that are outdated, make peace with their bodies, and remember who they truly are.

She firmly believes that we all heal when we are seen and that is exactly what she is striving to do through both her one-on-one work as well as in her retreats and events.

Let’s Talk

Connect with Alison to learn more and discuss which offerings are right for you.