Embody Life Events

with Alison Rothman MA, CYT, Emotional Doula

Women’s Community Events

Dance. Movement. Writing. Rest. Community.

“Alison’s guidance and teaching were both so healing, the practices very nourishing, and the community incredibly welcoming.”

- B.T.

Alison brings a beautiful combination of practices to create a safe, sacred, and empowering space for women. She deftly integrates her gifts and knowledge to create ceremonies and gatherings that feel grounding, invigorating, and cathartic. I highly recommend her retreats, classes, and workshops for any woman who is feeling stuck or disconnected from herself.


Women’s Monthly Movement Practice

Location: Kelly’s Barn, Boulder, CO

1st Thursdays through May

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Beginning in June, Dancing in Community will be moving to a NEW HOME at Una Vida Meditation and Movement Studio in Niwot. Our practice will shift to Wednesday’s and will be on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month! Thank you, in advance, for your patience with this transition.

Dancing in Community is an opportunity to move and connect with our beautiful bodies, shake out the gunk from our systems, and to create some space from within.

Join us to tap into joy, connection, perspective, and remember that we are not alone on this wild journey of life! 

No dance experience necessary! Bring a journal as we will have some time to write.

Pop Up Women’s Events

Upcoming Pop Up Women’s Events:
May 4th, 2025 at Una Vida Meditation and Movement Studio, Niwot, CO.


June 1st, 2025 at Kelly’s Barn, Boulder, CO.

2pm - 4pm

Occasional pop up events are held on a by-donation basis.

Women’s Circle. Dance. Writing. Rest. Community.

These POP UPS are a wonderful and affordable way to connect with community, check out what this dance thing is all about, and meet me. I promise you will be welcomed with open arms! 

Stay updated on the latest pop up events with the Embody Life newsletter and here on the Events page.

Register Below for Our Next Pop Up Event

Winter Solstice Women’s Event:

Celebrate Your Light

Location: Kelly’s Barn, Boulder, CO

Sunday, December 21st, 2025

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Honor the change of seasons in this Winter Solstice Celebration, a potent turning point of the year. This event is a transformational 4-hour experience through a deep, gentle, and embodied yoga practice, quiet meditation, writing and reflection, and dance supported by an authentic circle of women.

Gift yourself with the opportunity to connect and tend to your body, heart, and spirit in community as we pivot back towards the light!

*Reserve your space early as this event will fill!

*No refunds 30 days prior to retreat unless emergency (We reserve the right to ascertain this piece). Before 30 days, refunds are issued minus a 20% administrative fee. Please contact Alison BEFORE registering to make sure space is still available.

Women’s Circles

Our Women’s Circles are 6-month long programs that run both virtually and in person. Each circle has it’s own theme yet all provide a supportive community for individuals ready to deepen their personal journey and embrace new possibilities. These transformative spaces are designed to support personal growth and self-discovery.

We do not currently have any of our circles running, but if you are interested in joining an upcoming one, please reach out to Alison.

Choose the Women’s Circle that fits your needs!

Praise for Events

  • “Alison's Winter Women's Solstice event was just the reset I needed during this busy time of year. It brought me back to myself and offered me connection with a supportive community of like-minded women. Overall, it was medicine for my soul. I'd give it six out of five stars!”

    - Pam Moore, Boulder

  • “The 4-hour Embody Life event that I attended was a wonderful way of taking care of myself and honestly just what I needed. Alison’s guidance and teaching were both so healing, the practices very nourishing, and the community incredibly welcoming. I highly recommend these events as the ultimate reset for the body, mind, spirit, and soul!”.

    - B.T.

  • “Alison brings a beautiful combination of practices to create a safe, sacred, and empowering space for women. She deftly integrates her gifts and knowledge to create ceremonies and gatherings that feel grounding, invigorating, and cathartic. It takes a special person to bring women together in community to embody a sense of both safety and connection, and Alison creates a dynamic container for healing and growth. I highly recommend her retreats, classes, and workshops for any woman who is feeling stuck or disconnected from herself.”

    - S.S.

Emotional Doula Alison Rothman, MA CYT

Alison Rothman, MA CYT

Founder of Embody Life Alison Rothman has nearly 30 years of study and experiences in somatic healing arts and therapy, yoga and meditation, authentic embodiment, and holistic healing.

Through her extensive studies, practices, and experiences she provides clients and students with the ability to access their innate inner resource and release debilitating life patterns in order to access their truth, power, and reclaim their body, mind, heart, and soul connection.

Alison is passionate about supporting and empowering women to unwind their nervous systems, release addictive patterns, let go of stories and messages that are outdated, make peace with their bodies, and remember who they truly are.

Let’s talk to see how these unique women’s events can support you!