Step IN.
“Step out of the history that is holding you back.
Step into the new story you are willing to create”.
~Oprah Winfrey
We all have our stories from the past – the imprints that these stories have had on our bodies, our hearts, and our psyches. It is so easy to allow those storylines to run rampant and inform how we move in the world. It takes great courage and commitment to step out of the old stories and into the new.
Getting clear about the new path that you are wanting to walk on and then taking those steps onto it. Feeling the timidity, the shakiness, the uncertainty, and stepping in anyhow.
Pushing past the bubble of fear, the fog of indecision, and declaring how you want your life to look and feel.
Right now.
Shedding the old messages, stories, and doubts. Making the choice to claim who you are in all of your glory, embrace your unique gifts and quirkiness, and truly own your story.
Own it, but don’t give it the reigns of your existence.
It is so important to acknowledge and honor our histories, those experiences and situations in life which have shaped us up until this moment. Share them, celebrate them, grieve them, and then shed them. With heart and with honor.
We are not our histories, we are not what has happened to us.
We are whole and powerful.
Every moment is this precious choice to step out of the old and into the new.
With presence, with compassion, with the deepest self-love.
Breath by breath, moment by moment, we have the opportunity to stand taller in who we are – more upright – clearer – more open and soft and powerful.
Each moment that opportunity to acknowledge our past and step more fully into our present with perspective of a bright and enlivened future.