What does it mean to "Embody Life"?
What does it mean to "Embody Life"?
The name of my evolving business, Embody Life, was birthed after what I had experienced as many stressful and compromising years unwinding from an abusive marriage, severe postpartum depression, and navigating single motherhood with a special needs child. I was brought to my knees so often and really was forced to dig so deep into my well of practice, inner strength, and knowledge to survive. To remain embodied in midst of life became my focus.
Then early 2016 arrived with a house fire and set into motion an unbelievable sequence of events that truly gave, Embody Life, a whole new meaning.
I was gifted (and, yes, I do consider them all gifts!) with opportunity after opportunity to put my decades of practices into action and to meet the trauma, the heartache, the fear, the upheaval with a steady and embodied presence. I most certainly had moments of forgetting and succumbing to the overwhelm, yet, I did not crumble.
I did not collapse.
I did not take on the role of victim or martyr.
The events that unfolded include: coming home to my house on fire, a grueling advocacy on behalf of my son in the schools that led to an excruciating 6-month battle with the school district, an horrendous attack in a court of law by an unconscious and aggressive male attorney representing my sons dad, and a near death experience while traveling alone in Mexico. I met them with equanimity and with presence. I allowed myself to feel my feelings without numbing or suppressing them. I moved the energy with consciousness, and I connected to those who could hold me and reflect to me with love and compassion in those moments.
To me, that is Embodying Life.
With each experience I deepened in my capacity to heal myself, become more upright in the truth of who I am, and embody my life.
So often when life unfolds in ways that are less than desirable we resist, numb, check out, push against, and therefore find ourselves in a revolution of addiction that has the potential to grow unless we consciously choose to step out of the cycle.
I very much understand.
When I chose to check myself into a treatment center at 23 years of age, that was my first of many, many more interruptions of a cycle. I had no idea at that young age, the path that would be laid out for me from that point on.
My business and who I am personally are both reflections of this incredible path I have walked. They are me at my essence and are laden with the wisdom I have gleaned on the front lines of life.
My business and I are one. We reflect the decades of work done in the realm of healing through embodiment.
So, what does it mean to Embody Life?
Facing every single day, every single life event with courage, strength, and conviction.
Remaining connected to the truth of who you are in midst of the ups and downs of life.
Meeting life with unwavering belief in the power of humanity and the capacity that each one of us has in healing ourselves from the inside out and truly living an embodied life of brilliance.
“My life is my practice”
~Ram Dass