The Power of Gratitude
"When I started counting my blessings my whole world turned around".
~Willie Nelson
The astrology as of late has been swirling, churning, and digging up some skeletons. I certainly feel it and hear stories of a similar flavor from clients and friends.
In midst of the chaos of the times how can we remain centered and grounded in a space of love towards ourselves and those around us? Always an inquiry and opportunity to drop more deeply into our practices and create small yet potent ways in our day-to-day to access that space.
Can you infuse your body with love? Can you meet each moment with a feeling of gratitude and trust that all is truly unfolding exactly how it is supposed to? Can you tap into that sense of joy and appreciation in even the most mundane of moments?
Remembering that it is up to us to make that choice to shift into a space of love and gratitude, especially in those moments when it is hardest to access.
Giving permission to slow down, tune into your breath, put your hands on your body and remember your presence and aliveness. Orient yourself in whatever way possible to the current moment and find something to feel grateful for. Anything.
Gratitude and appreciation are contagious and when we begin to appreciate our lives the gratitude builds and infuses our everyday existence. We create the opportunity to cultivate the space to live in appreciation of this magical existence we call a human life. This is where the good stuff lies.
Where the expansion and possibility intertwine and the rightness of who we are is undeniable.