Grief is a natural part of navigating trauma.


I had a sad day yesterday.  A day in which the grief washed over me in layers throughout the passing hours.  


I continuously tried to push through these grief-stricken moments to accomplish all that I needed to for my business, for my final grad school class, for my son, for my home…until I couldn’t.  As the tears welled up and the emotion began to pour out…I welcomed it.  I moved it through my body.  I surrendered to the grief.  


I grieved for the loss all around the world --- the people suffering, the businesses closing their doors forever, the empty restaurants and coffee shops, the music industry…the talent being unheard….I cried for my own desire for up close and personal connection and normalcy – my own wants and needs around socialization and play….


I cried out of exhaustion of the situation – the incessant cleaning, the anxiety that comes now with a simple trip to the store, the isolation so many feel within the magnitude of this unfolding.  


I allowed the tears.  I cried my heart open and held myself in the grief.  


And, then the emotion calmed.  I made myself a cup of tea and a big bowl of just picked farm fresh greens.  I lit a candle, grabbed my book and notebook and wrote.  I wrote down the pain.  I captured myself in the moment and I embraced it all.  I surrendered to the grief in midst of the trauma and it shifted.  I softened.  I yielded. I opened my heart and I embraced yet another layer of this time of so much angst and suffered and remembered the beauty simultaneously.  


I moved forward with my day…altered, present, alive, grateful, and deeply connected to my soul. 


Grief is a natural part of navigating trauma.  We cannot bypass these layers.  They are all important in our healing individually and collectively.  


Feel your feelings. Do not let them stagnate.  Cry your heart open. Meet the grief with lovingkindness and compassion. 




Accepting What Is


Gratitude Practice as the Balm