Pivoting with Presence
"It is when we are in transition that we are most completely alive".
~William Bridges
We are, yet again, in another transition. As is the way things are right now, this pivot is unlike any other that we have experienced in our lives. Summertime (whatever that looked like for you) is coming to a close, the schools are re-opening in some capacity, and the darker and colder months are looming.
This is not time to go to sleep, yet, if anything, it is time to up the ante on our systems, our practices, our self-care, and to really hone in on our direction during this wild time on the planet.
We have come through the shock of the Spring, the unease and awkwardness of the Summer, and are beginning the pivot towards Autumn.
Can you take a moment and perhaps tap into and feel some comfort of this time in midst of the chaos... in your body, in your home, in your heart, in your spirit?
Can you appreciate the passage that we are collectively going through and all that you have navigated in these past months?
Is there perhaps a sense of strength and resilience bubbling to the surface?
Transitions are never easy, yet are ripe with opportunity to reset, recalibrate, and consciously choose how we want to create our lives given all of the circumstances at play. Bringing presence into the pivot of this time will ease the angst of the transition and provide the platform for new possibilities of meeting the discord.
We can certainly look at this as a scary time, be in resistance to the unfolding, or we can step in. And, I mean really step in. With the whole of us. With gentleness and kindness and also a fierceness and determination to live life to the fullest despite the outer pandemonium.
It is time to deepen in our acceptance of the turmoil that 2020 has brought with it. It is time to make some new choices to rise up, despite all that is has unfolded (and continues to unfurl). We can be the light at the end of our own personal tunnels.
We can step into life with the whole of who we are, in alignment with our hearts, and connected to that inner passion and aliveness that is always there, always accessible, awaiting our attention and permission to dance.
It is time, with consciousness, to take that inner leap to create the outer breakthroughs that we are collectively longing for.
It all begins within, a lesson that we are all receiving to one degree or another. The outer world is in utter disarray and is daunting, to say the least. Doing our inner work to create outer shifts and change is necessary, it is possible, and accessible to anyone who chooses to do so.
We need support during these times, there is no question. Creating the opportunities in any way that is possible to receive the support necessary to stay conscious and awake during this time of pivot in order to stretch ourselves, our minds, our hearts, and our horizons in ways that we have never done before.
I am so passionate about sustainable healing and know and understand in my entire being the inner work that is required in order to create the deep and lasting change that so many long for. It takes diligence and a devotion to our own personal work. It is absolutely possible with the right support and a commitment to doing the inner work. No one can do it for us.
In this pivotal moment in time, what can you do to bring consciousness and presence into these hours and days?
What do you need or want to do on your own unique individual healing path to create sustainable changes?
What systems do you need to implement in your day-to-day life so as to create the platform for more of your authentic Self to shine?
Please remember that everyone is going through a massive recalibration. May we stay kind, compassion, and open-hearted with ourselves and each other.
We are all in this together.