New Potentiality
“Courage is the power to let go
of the familiar”.
~Raymond Lindquist
I have been so curious about why, we as humans, continuously do things and make choices repeatedly that we know do not serve us.
This is not a judgmental curiosity but rather an opening to a new potentiality of looking at ourselves and our habitual ways of living and being.
As I have talked about before, breaking old patterns is hard. Unraveling addictive ways of living and being is demanding and can feel relentless.
Today’s inquiry and conversation is more about the “why” around our choices. It is an opportunity to perhaps probe a little deeper and to hopefully gain even momentary insight into one’s inner workings and habitual approaches to Self and life on the whole.
What I know through my own life, work, and practices is that there are those liminal moments in time that provide the space of possibility to make a new choice.
To not walk to the freezer for the ice cream, or pour the glass of wine, or hop on social media to mindlessly scroll, or react to someone or something in that same way that you know does not work….etc. etc. etc.
It’s a pause button of sorts and is always available it is just truly about if we choose it or not.
What I am really curious about is why we don’t choose to hit the pause button and turn in a different direction, make a radical, new choice rather than doing that something that has proven repeatedly to:
A. not make us feel very good physically, mentally, and spiritually, and,
B. we know is not good for us and depletes our life force energy.
Those things that we are doing and saying and consuming that are not life-enhancing.
Why do we keep doing things that inhibit our ability to live our lives to the fullest?
Is it fear? Is it overwhelm? Is it the desire to stay comfortable? Is it anxiety over the unknown? Is it a need to fill a void?
So many questions to ask oneself when engaging with this process consciously.
Becoming curious about oneself and ones process of life is a beautiful way of living.
This is not the juncture to beat yourselves up or rehash in regret, this is simply an invitation to inquire deeper into your own psyche, your own lives and habitual patterns of existing.
And, perhaps to question, investigate, and maybe take those needed steps to creating the changes that you are wanting and needing to.
This time of pandemic, in midst of the pain and suffering and angst that is swirling, has also provided the fortuity to slow down, reflect, recalibrate, and fine tune our entire lives, beginning within our own bodies and hearts.
As we step closer and closer to the darker, colder months, we can collectively, with intention, choose to be curious, to be open to new possibilities, and be courageous in our actions and steps forward on our own behalf and to benefit the greater good for all beings, our planet, and the future for our precious children.
May we use this time to wake up more fully each and every day so that we may strengthen our vessels for the days ahead.
We are all in this together.