To End Well
"Embrace each challenge
in your life
as an opportunity
for self-transformation".
~Bernie S. Siegel
To end well…. this phrase keeps surfacing for me as we move towards the official end of this grueling year.
This is something that I have worked with for the decade in which I have been sending my son to and from his dad’s home.
No matter what has unfolded in our time together, the ups and downs, inevitable solo parenting challenges, and mother/son dynamics, I have taught him (and myself!) to make sure that we end well.
That we end in a space of love, connection, gratitude and sweetness. In this way, we can come back together and begin again from that place, putting the past behind us and feeling the beauty of our relationship.
This feels like a potent lesson for us all in ending this year.
There is no question that we have all been brought to our knees at various moments throughout the year. While it has without a doubt been painful and challenging on many levels, for some more than others, the opportunities for personal and collective growth have been prevalent.
I am curious how we all, as individuals, can make the choice to end this year well?
To focus on any moments of growth, possibility, transformation, positivity, love, connection, and kindness that you may have experienced this past year?
To make the conscious effort to focus our energy on any positives that have come out of this excruciating time?
What do you need to do for you in order to “end well” and move forward into the next cycle from a space of goodness?
There is no time for remorse or regret. We must choose to end well and begin this next year from that point of reference. We only have the NOW.
When we choose to focus on all that we have learned, grown through, risen from, and any other potentialities of this treacherous time... that is what we bring into the next cycle.
That is the energy that we carry forward.
I feel that it is important to capture these moments of growth. To honor them in our own way.
There is no question that there have been immense challenges and pain, but there have also been innumerable opportunities for growth, healing, and deepening.
It is a wonderful opportunity to do some self-reflective writing:
What lessons did you receive this year?
What did you learn about yourself, your priorities, what's truly important?
How can you move forward into this new year ahead in integrity with the truth of who you are?
What do you need to do for YOU to make peace with the past and cultivate acceptance in the present?
How do you want to feel in your life? In your body? In your heart? In your relationships?
What practices or actions do you want to bring into your life this next year to enhance your state of being?
Is there one word that you can come up with for 2021? Trust whatever comes to you and carry it forward. (Mine is "Possibility" and I am working with the phrase, "There are endless possibilities for growth" throughout 2021!)
In conclusion of my final newsletter of this unprecedented year, I want to share my deepest gratitude to you, my community, for remaining connected through reading these newsletters...some of you for months and others for years.
If you are just joining the community, welcome!
I value authentic and humanizing content. I feel so strongly about supporting humanity in navigating this wild ride of life we are on in a way that is honoring, awakening, and integrating. I always intend on bridging the gaps that keep us separate and isolated on many levels.
I feel a mission to talk about things that aren't necessarily comfortable, yet necessary to grow oneself consistently.
I truly feel it to be a service to the whole and pour my heart and soul into each and every letter that I write. I sincerely hope that you have been able to glean some inspiration, hope, and motivation to keep on moving forward during these times.
And, most importantly, to remember that you are not alone.
To be real and vulnerable can be scary, yet it is also liberating. I believe that we are all here for a reason, a mission, a purpose.... this past year has absolutely brought to light what that looks and feels like for each and every one of us.
Although 2020 has come to a close, and there is no doubt that big sighs of relief are happening all across the globe, the imprint of this time will remain for many, many years to come.
This is the beginning of a very new way of living and being, that is for certain.
What we do with it all is our choice.
Stay connected.
We are all in this together.