Retreat to Heal

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I can hardly believe that we are at the end of July!  Schools will re-open in the very near future and, for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere we are enjoying the final days and weeks of Summer.  Time has flown by in so many ways and has also felt as though we are living in a time warp of sorts. 
The concept of time has become muddled given the unknown and uncertainty of these days we are living in.  We are being *forced* to return to the present moment repeatedly as a result.  This, I believe, has been one of the greatest gifts of these times.
There has certainly been an unraveling during these exceptional times.
We must stitch ourselves back together in a very new way. 
Healing and mending the seams of our separation and collective angst have become non-negotiable.
How do we do this?  What do you need, as individuals, in order to come back into yourselves with ease and grace?  Do you know?  
I am returning to facilitating an in-person retreat in just a few weeks.  I did not realize how emotional it would be for me as I begin preparations and really feel into the magnitude of this endeavor.  Running retreats and groups is my life’s purpose, my mission, and my heart and soul’s calling. 
Not doing so, in person, has been a tremendous void for me, as the facilitator, and I know for those countless women whom have felt the medicine and magic of the retreat experience. Those whom understand in their bones, as I do, the potency and potential that gathering with other women offers the individual and the magnification of this onto the whole. 
I have reflected upon my last in-person event before COVID struck, having no idea that this hiatus would span such a long time (did any of us?!?!). That particular group of women went DEEP.  It was an inspiring dynamic within the container of the 6-hour day retreat….so supportive, open, real, vulnerable, and connected. 
As we parted, I can remember feeling excited that the energy for this particular offering was building and the clarification of how much these retreats were needed.
Then, March came, and the shutdown happened.  At that time, I believe that we all were imagining a few months of this mayhem, definitely not over a year.
So, here we are. 
In less than 2 weeks the women will gather again. Face-to-face. Heart-to-heart. This time I believe with a renewed passion, desire, and longing while simultaneously without a doubt bringing in a level of raw vulnerability, grief, and desire to connect in a way that was not fathomable until this moment. 
As a facilitator, my “job” is to show up with presence, with ground, and with an open heart. To create and hold a container of safety for women to let down their guard and open themselves up to be seen, heard, and witnessed in exactly who they are. 
Something magical happens when women gather with intention, reverence, consciousness, and presence.  When we come together with our authentic human vulnerabilities and soft, open hearts...the possibilities of healing become magnified. 
There is the opportunity to lift the veils of shame and to be seen, witnessed, and heard in our truth.  To be celebrated and honored for being exactly who we are.   
Retreat is an opportunity to find perspective – to create some intentional space in your life – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  It is an invitation to BE.  To marinate in yourself and access the essence of who you are.  Your truth.
It is the ultimate reset button. 

Authentic and vulnerable connections with others is essential and I am committed to continuing to offer these spaces for women to come back together and BE themselves in all of the gunk, funk, joy, tears, laughter, love, loss, confusion, despair, hope and true possibility. 

  • Are you struggling to find your ground in this new reality?

  • Are you searching for meaning/direction/connection in midst of this time of re-emerging?

  • Are you grieving the loss of life as it was/people/relationships/businesses/etc etc?

  • Are you feeling disconnected from yourself, your body, your heart, your soul’s purpose?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, know that you are not alone.  This is a confusing time on so many levels and, yet, also is simultaneously an empowering and clarifying time for those whom are choosing to dive into the work to heal, grow, shift, change, and morph with the times. 
I have a few spaces left in my upcoming women’s retreat, Unwind to Awaken, as well as in my private Body-Centered Holistic Coaching Practice.  I would be so honored to support in any way that I possibly can! 

Please reach out anytime. 
I am here.



The Heart and The Body


Authentic Interconnection