Empowerment through Inner Boundaries
Several weeks ago I wrote a post on Instagram about the essential nature of cultivating inner boundaries so as to live from a place of integrity, alignment, and empowerment. The feedback was tremendous and this theme has continually shown up in my client sessions since then as well as (but, of course!) in myself.
So often we talk about holding our boundaries as being an external act. There is a visual of someone putting up a shield or a hand or creating physical space as boundary creation.
Yes, these are most certainly important in life on the whole…we must defend ourselves to the best of our ability in the outer world when we are in danger, or someone is causing us harm, or an external situation is toxic.
What is equally as important, if not even more so, is for us to learn how to create those inner boundaries, from our core, our root voice, our foundation so that we may move through the world in true alignment with ourselves, first and foremost.
We can access empowerment from within, which translates into every realm of our lives.
To dive into what inner boundaries look and feel like, let’s first take a look at what it looks like to not have inner boundaries. When we are lacking in our inner boundaries, we are most likely being ping ponged around by life. We are living in reaction to life and its circumstances and situations.
We may be in the constant search for outward approval or validation. We most definitely do not trust our own intuition, inner knowing, and voices of truth and alignment. We have no access to ourselves from an integral place and instead are being pulled around by life on the whole.
Everyone has moments in their lives of this reality. Bringing our awareness to these patterns of being, these imprints, these habitual ways of living and being is a crucial step to changing them and creating new pathways of living.
We can choose to turn towards ourselves and live from a place of integrity and gain awareness of when we are not.
Inner boundaries, connection to our core, our root voice…aka our truth…requires practice.
It is an experience of being unwavering in who we are, speaking from deep within, and operating from a place of integrated alignment.
We do not abandon ourselves when life gets challenging, when we are triggered by another, when we feel overwhelmed and confused. Instead of turning outwards in those moments, we turn right towards the emotion, the pain, the feeling, the overwhelm and we are with it all.
We are with ourselves.
Does this mean that once we access this place of rooted integration we are always residing from it? Absolutely not. Yet, the more we do live from and move through life from a space of grounded alignment we are able to return to it much faster than if we are on autopilot.
Some examples of creating boundaries within ourselves looks like:
~I will no longer cause my body, mind, spirit, and soul unnecessary harm through people, relationships, substances, actions, words/thought patterns.
~I am no longer willing to do things to myself that make me feel like shit.
~I will speak from my truest, most rooted self even if that means ruffling others feathers. I am committed to being ME.
~I will drop into my body and my heart and live my life from that place of alignment.
~I choose to listen to my deepest, most integrated and embodied self and I TRUST those voices of inner knowing.
~I can choose to take care of myself in a way that is aligned with my TRUTH no matter what others may think or feel about me.
~And, when I forget, which will happen, I will come back to myself, my root, my core, my truest and highest self with infinite LOVE, COMPASSION, and FORGIVENESS.
When we are moving through life in integrity with who we are, from the inside out, have clear boundaries from deep within, and continuously are fine-tuning and refining our relationship to ourselves...that is where the power lies. That is when we feel empowered in who we are no matter what is going on around us.
When we are clear in ourselves, then we can be clear with others.
Inner boundaries create infinite possibilities for outer boundaries.
So, what can you do, today, to deepen in your inner connection, tune into your root voice, and make empowering choices on your own behalf?