Be Yourself.
My last blog post talked in depth about the transformational process. A continuation of this rich and important subject is the reminder that there is no endpoint to our evolution as humans.
It’s not as if we get to a certain place and we’re done doing our work to grow…to become…to awaken.
There will not be a magic moment of completion. It is a lifelong exploration of the varying terrains of our own personal biography.
It truly can become an exciting journey of discovery, and, a path towards living and being as exactly who you are.
It is about being your true Self.
In full transparency, I have hesitated to write a blog/newsletter about this topic for so many reasons.
A. I don’t want to over-simplify this statement, process of life, and state of being.
B. I don’t want to negate the excruciating journey that so many take to be able to land in and reside from a space of pure acceptance of who they are and their beingness.
And, C. I absolutely do not want to present myself as knowing all or that I have figured everything out in this vein.
As always, I share from my experiences and the journey that life has taken me on as well as what I witness in clients and support them through on a consistent basis. It is my hope and intention that there will be some gems of wisdom glistening through my words that someone reading can digest and acclimate into their own lives.
I honor that it is *not easy* to just be yourself in a world that loves to offer their opinions and input about who you are, how you *should* be, what you *should* be doing and saying, how you *should* be living...(I think you get the gist!).
It requires a tremendous amount of courage to live from a place of ground, with an upright spine embodying exactly who you are no matter what anybody else thinks or feels about you.
It is a freaking ride, this human existence…there is no doubt! The path of authentic and aligned becoming, being, and existing is certainly not for the faint. Yet, when embraced, is brimming with infinite possibilities.
There are no shortcuts and no roadmaps that will guide us to live from that place…to be 100% ourselves in every context.
This is an inside job. It is a pathway deep within our own being, our hearts, our souls, our bodies, our minds, and our spirits. It is a depth of relationship with our own inner knowing, the voice of intuition from our core, and a way of being that is true embodiment.
There is no gap in who we are and how we are moving through the world.
And, even those whom have done the work (and continue to do so!) to unfurl, unwind, and open to living life in calibration with their true Selves, certainly have moments of regression…of questioning…of searching.
I believe so wholly in this journey towards the Self – towards our purest and most aligned ways of living, being, and moving through life. And, it’s definitely not always easy breezy and, in fact, can be rather messy!
No matter where you are on your personal quest, there are moments in time in midst of clearing of the cobwebs of our false beliefs, ways of being, habits, and foggy existence that we can find ourselves searching outside of ourselves for the validation…the answers.
This is the process, the dance, the potentiality of becoming so much more full of exactly who you are, residing from a place of true wholeness and integrity, that you are able to simply BE in every environment and context.
And, when you forget, fall off the wagon, find yourself seeking validation outside of yourself, discounting your intuitive voice of knowing, compromising who you are for the sake of another….you climb right back up and move forward from exactly where you are.
No regrets, punishment, remorse, or berating oneself.
We forget to remember.
As many times as it takes.
Of course, I am a HUGE proponent of reflective community (hence my passion for Women’s Groups and Retreats). I believe that a tremendous component of our becoming and our journey towards true selves involves relationships. Creating containers of safety to practice what it feels like to BE exactly who we are and to feel seen, loved, valued, heard, and appreciated is the ultimate salve for the human wounds.
The journey is both, and. We absolutely need a deep relationship and connection with ourselves and there is immense healing and value in how we are relating to others..
How do we continuously tap into and reside from a place of BEING OURSELVES?
Bring self-awareness into your life and begin to catch yourself when you are off. Interrupt the cycle and storyline and pivot as necessary.
Choose to turn towards Self over and over and over again.
Begin to articulate the voices of separation from your own truth and shift accordingly.
Explore creatively > write, move your body, create art -- honoring this place of truth from deep within.
Tap into that inner well of courage. (It is there!!)
Commit to a daily practice (or 2 or 3) that anchors you in yourself. Practices that you WILL actually do on behalf of yourself. Through those practices you glean deeper insight into your true Self and it becomes a non-negotiable way of existing.
Resource and ground yourself in your body. Allow your body to be your informant and trusted confidant. Feel the steadiness from deep within your body…from the core of who you are. Move through life from that place.
We truly do hold all of the medicine, wisdom, knowledge, and truth of who we are deep down within our own weary and open hearts. We “simply” need to choose to listen, to hear, to honor, to acknowledge, and to love through our precious life with that guiding light propelling us forward step-by-step-by-step.