It's Never Too Late
I have a lot of clients come to me in midlife searching to remember who they are, find themselves in midst of some dysfunctional relationship patterns, giving their life force to raising their children, turned everything over to building their careers, single and not sure if they will ever draw in a healthy and mutual partnership, dissatisfaction with where they are at this juncture of their lives, etc. etc.
They awaken in these potent moments and are confused as to exactly what happened to their sense of self, their dreams and visions for life, and are searching for direction as to *how* to pivot back towards themselves while simultaneously working on their marriages, staying present for their evolving children, or putting their weary hearts out in the quest for true loving companionship.
How can they create these massive changes in their everyday realities both in the smaller sense as well as in the grander vision at this age, under these circumstances?
This is no small task!
And, yet so possible.
Being in midlife myself, I can understand that space of questioning. Rather than it being a time of *crisis* in life, I truly believe that it is a time of deep and potent *awakening*.
Choosing to excavate oneself from the shackles of living a life of disconnect is no cake walk. It is scary, uncomfortable, unpredictable, and unknown….it is a journey with no end point. And, a journey with no age limit.
It’s never too late to hop on the path. Never too late to begin.
Today, is truly all that we have and if today is the day for you to take a leap forward in your growth and healing and unfolding and transformation…then today is the day.
There are no *wasted* years, no days that are unimportant in our development as humans. Every single step along the way holds value, purpose, meaning….even those days, perhaps years when we are perhaps unavailable for life. We are sleepwalking, numbing, disconnecting, reacting, distracting….yes, those days, hours, weeks, months are all of value as well.
It is through our pain that wisdom has the space to peek out into the light. Those harder moments in our lives carry infinite information and the code to move forward. One step at a time.
It’s never too late to hit the pause button, turn towards oneself, and open to new possibilities of living and being. Honoring the fear, the extreme dis-ease, and the resistance….and stepping forward anyhow. Turning away from the voices of debilitation and sabotage and towards the voices of life.
The inner voices of truth that lie within each and every one of us.
Don’t wait for that perfect moment to make the choice. Don’t allow the sabotaging voices drag you around twisting your heart strings into a ball of unrecognizable mess. You can choose to dive in. Right now. Today. As you read these words….no matter where you are in your life, what phase you are in, how old you are, what resources you have or don’t have….
What I find over and over again is that in order for one to truly heal they need to have the awareness and awakening in themselves. They have to get to that point of knowing, in every cell of their being, that they are ready for change. They know, somehow, someway, that there is a quality of connection and life that is beckoning for them.
I cannot force this. I simply guide, reflect, encourage, and hold the space for those light bulb moments to occur.
That is step 1 to change, and then, the work really begins. Once you know the truth, it becomes even more painful to go backwards. Once you have tasted what it feels like to live in alignment with your inner self, it becomes less and less interesting and palpable to go back to the place of numbing, distracting, and suffering.
And, you forget to remember.
We all do. There are moments of forgetting your worth, of forgetting that you are an adult in an adult body and that you can trust yourself right now, in this exact moment.
Once we access that inner muscle of truth, then we begin to do the work essential to heal, stretch, grow, and shape ourselves from the inside out. As we do this, moment-by-moment, our beings shift. We gain the capacity to breathe deeply into ourselves, into our weary hearts, and open, grow, and heal ourselves in the most profound and sustainable way.
We find our true voices, tap into an ease in our skin, and can choose to come back to this moment of embodied alignment repeatedly.
This process take time.
It is not an absolute, overnight, if you do a couple of practices, have a few insights, and poof you are healed and enlightened kind of path.
That is not how our human existence works. We are given opportunities in our lives to take our healing and growth to the next level.
If we choose to.
Learning to trust ourselves, our intuition, inner knowing, how we move through the world, what we say and do….is a process.
It is a process that is revealed layer-by-layer. It is as if we are peeling away layers of armor, protection, anger, projection, addictions, imprints…to get to that juicy center. The center of who we truly are at our most raw, vulnerable, and truest selves.
This is the place that at some point on our journey we touch, and once we do it becomes our mission to return to it as often as possible and however we possibly can.
Looking to deepen in yourself and your life on the whole? I am accepting new 1:1 clients and would be honored to connect. Feel free to set up a free 20-minute Clarity Call and let’s connect!