A Note of Gratitude and Reflection
This time of year oozes with the energy of self-reflection….the call to take those deep breaths and reflect upon this past year near completion. It is also the time of late Autumn with the leaves slowly descending, the snow starting to fall and the days getting shorter, there certainly is that pull inward.
I can remember many years of panic this time of year, knowing that we are heading towards cold, dark, snowy days (not my favorite!), yet the older I get the more I appreciate this natural pull inwards.
This opportunity to turn within and reflect upon the immense transformation and change that has occurred over the course of the past year in its varying seasons, climates, textures, interactions, unfoldings….and where we are now.
What has changed in your life? Where have you grown? What have you healed in yourself? Where have you had to pivot over this past year?
Of course, life has had its ups and downs for so many…and continues to bring with it unexpected, unpredictable twists and turns that yank on our heart strings and offer the possibility of sinking a bit deeper into our humanness.
November also happens to be my birth month so always fills me with a sense of gratitude for the privilege of being alive, especially after my brush with death while traveling in Mexico almost 5-years ago to the day.
I had the blessing of returning to this beautiful country this past week (pictured above!)....AND was able to fulfill my dream of taking my 13-year old on his first ever *real*vacation. My biggest lesson and message with this is that dreams CAN come true so never stop believing!
In the density of this human life, I feel so grateful to have this channel of connection with you all…some of which I know quite well and others not at all.
I thank you for choosing to be a part of this human journey with me by reading my words week-after-week, month-after-month, year-after-year. For entrusting me as a fellow human walking a human path, learning and growing and healing with every breath along the way.
I love writing and sharing and nothing brings me more joy than knowing if my words have touched your life in some way. Please do reach out either by replying to this email or sending me a personal one at: alison@embodymylife.com. I would absolutely LOVE to hear from you!
And, in honor of my 48th birthday and the blessing it is to be alive and serve others on their path, I would love to offer 20% off all of my Body-Centered Empowerment Coaching Sessions and Packages for the next month (exp. 12/17) to you all, my community.
Gift your loved ones and/or pre-pay for your own sessions to be used in culminating this year and to jumpstart the year to come! There is no greater gift that we can give ourselves and our people than to do our healing work to become more upright, aligned, integral, empowered, and embodied in the truth of who we are.
What the world needs now more than ever is YOU being YOU and showing up from that place of authenticity and unwavering love in connection.
Please use the coupon code: LOVEANDGRATITUDE22
Wherever this time of year finds you, may you access a deeper layer of yourself so as to continue in your evolution as a beautiful human navigating this wild human life.
Tap into the medicine of these times.
And, as always, if you are struggling, please reach out for support.
I am here.
Take good care of yourselves and be kind to each other.