Bringing Intention into the New Year
I do not believe in New Year’s Resolutions. You know the vow of hitting the gym daily and giving up all unhealthy habits immediately….to start strong in one’s resolutions only to have tapered off within the month…falling back into old patterns. This is not sustainable and is a set up for feeling pretty darn shitty with oneself.
Rather, I believe so strongly in creating intentions in our lives to support our evolution and growth.
Resolving to make changes in one’s life is not nearly as impactful as intending and following that life-enhancing energy of intention. Intention is empowering and provides the opportunity to make choices on our own behalf.
To return consistently to our intentions for the year is expansive, creative, and full of possibility. We can continuously pivot in ways that enhance the direction of our lives following that stream of connection.
We are not “resolving” anything but rather opening up new channels in our life’s pathways that are honoring and entrusting in oneself and one’s process. There is *not* the option of failure as intention is fluid and supportive of exactly where we are in every given moment.
I also love choosing a word for the year ahead. This word that emerges from my heart and subconscious and ends up being my guiding light for the 12 months.
I am always in awe of how my chosen word truly informs my year and gives shape to my path. Choosing a word for the year ahead, again, offers possibility and inspiration, rather than contraction and let down.
We can choose to hop back on the track of aligned action while holding our intentions and word of the year at the forefront of our movement.
Can you feel the difference here? Can you sense the levity and inspiration encapsulated in the energy and impetus of intention vs. resolving to change ourselves or else we have failed?
It is a deep sense of allowing…of honoring who we are in our evolution as humans.
It is expansive, spacious, and provides room for all of the flavors of our growth process to be what they need to be.
As we embark upon this brand new year, brimming with opportunity, I invite you to spend some time with yourselves and create your intentions for the year to come.
Feel into yourself and listen for a word to arise as your guiding light moving forward.
Trust yourselves and your innate wisdom….
You do not need to resolve to modify who you are but rather soften, allow, clarify, and intend on creating empowered evolution and aligned change in yourself from that deep well of inner wisdom that lives in you.
As always, I am here in service, in support, and in recognition of your unique, messy, beautiful, and magnificent human selves.
Reach out anytime or take the leap this new year and work 1:1 with me! I would be honored to connect.
Wherever this time of year finds you, may you access a deeper layer of yourself so as to continue in your evolution as a beautiful human navigating this wild human life.
Tap into the medicine of these times.
And, as always, if you are struggling, please reach out for support.
Take good care of yourselves and be kind to each other.