Tune In and Let Go

We can’t grow without shedding old skin.


We have to do things differently if we want things to be different.


We can’t keep doing the same things and expect a different result.

There is a lot of sifting and sorting going on right now. Can you feel that?

We are getting clear around what is no longer serving us. Perhaps patterns that we’ve been engaged in, behaviors and ways of living and being that we have been operating in for quite a while, are becoming so clearly and shockingly…done.

There is the opportunity to really let go of that which no longer has a place in our progressing lives…this can mean relationships, people, emails, social media accounts, foods, patterns of movement, habits, stories about ourselves and others (that’s a big one!)...the list is endless

This letting go process is so crucial and important in our evolution as humans. And, yet, can be SO hard and scary and uncomfortable and daunting.

However, we have to let go of that which does not serve so that we can make space for what is coming and what is truly meant for us.

What is aligned for who we are NOW. What direction our life’s path is taking. What feels in integrity and truth with our most
authentic Selves at this juncture of our journey.

This may involve some hard conversations, deep self-inquiry and honesty with oneself, a moment-by-moment mindful choice to do things in a different way, and will absolutely involve some moments of discomfort, some even excruciatingly uncomfortable.

This moment in time is giving us this clear message that it is time to release and move forward.

It’s time to let go of anything that is holding us back from living our truest, brightest, most aligned and empowered and embodied lives. This is not easy per se, yet the alternative of staying stuck in these patterns, relationships, dynamics, stories, and any other outdated way of operating…. is nonnegotiable.

How do we do this? Well, it is a moment-by-moment practice and choice. I am aware that I say this a lot, but it’s true.

We must unlearn our old, habitual ways in order to learn how to build these deep muscles of inner strength and resilience. From that place, we become unshakable.

By all means, this does not mean that we don’t experience the ups and downs of life, we absolutely DO. Yet, what we can do, with time, consistency, diligence of practice, and moment-by-moment self-awareness, is get so clear in ourselves that the next right step is revealed in each moment. What is outdated and needs to be released, we can do so with grace and integrity, and what is meant for us to sink into we can do so with ease, presence, and trust.

Working with the mind is the most powerful way of working with this energy of change, of letting go, and visioning and feeling into ourselves in a new realm. Bringing in a consistent and mindful meditation practice will shift everything.

Our minds love to dictate our trajectory through stories, messages, rules and regulations, “shoulds”, sporadic needs, etc…Choosing to sit with ourselves and work with the mind to create new pathways in our ways of thinking is a potent way of tuning into the nuances of how we operate. This provides the platform to let go of that which no longer serves and open to new possibilities from deep within.  

What we choose to focus on will build. If we are constantly telling ourselves that we can’t do something or have something or change something, then we won’t. We have to change the way we talk to ourselves and the messages that we allow to swirl around in our existence in order to create changes in our lives.

I believe that our healing happens in layers. My work is all about tapping into these layers of healing, which are unique for each individual. Humans are multi-faceted and so is our journey of awakening.

Within each layer lies another and another and another….we can explore in these realms and become so deeply aligned with our truest Selves that we are integrated on an embodied level as each layer is revealed.

We explore, re-visit as often as needed, clear, release, open, feel, grow, and align in profound ways. Without force, without manipulation, without punishment or shame or disconnect.

Rather, we can learn how to soften and open to each layer on the path and meet ourselves and the layer through various practices and approaches.

Nothing is ever going to be exactly perfect. That does not exist. We have the power of choice to take what is our reality and transform it into a version that is more aligned, that is more balanced, that is more connected, and that is infused with and emanating love.

It is never too late to carve new pathways in your life. It is never too late to create the changes that you need and want to.

Let go of and release that which no longer serves.

Find the courage to pivot in ways that feel more aligned to your true Self.

Slow Down. Breathe. Soften. Open. Tune In. Trust Yourself.


Mindfulness, Motherhood, and Milestones


Integration and Assimilation