Pushing Past Fear Into Possibility

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear”.

~Jack Canfield

How often do we have a vision, a goal, a desire, or an action that we need or want to take in our lives only to be stopped by that inner voice of fear?

Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of being too much, fear of being exposed, fear of being vulnerable with others, fear of not being liked, fear of success, fear of breaking cycles…the list goes on and on. I see this pattern all too often in my work with women and am in my own personal dance with it daily. It is rampant.

Continuously stepping out into the world with the whole of who we are and an open heart, takes courage. It takes a willingness to be seen in our tender and vulnerable humanness. An openness to showing our perfectly imperfect human existence. It requires us to push through those voices of fear...over and over and over again.

It is a risk and means to truly live and learn.

There is never going to be the exact perfect moment to step forward towards what it is that we want to create in our lives. The fear will always follow suit and it is up to us as to how to meet that fear and persevere despite it.

Fear inhibits movement on so many levels. It keeps us stuck in habitual ways of living, being, relating, and operating in our lives.

Recognizing and acknowledging our own unique paths, medicine to offer the world, and individual beauty to be created is so important in moving forward. Stepping out of fear and into possibility.

I invite you to ponder these important questions in self-inquiry:

  • What are you waiting for to take action?

  • Do you know what that “movement moment” is for you?

  • What action steps, no matter how small, can you take right now in the direction of your dreams? Of your life?

  • Perhaps you can consider just doing it (whatever “it” is for you) despite not being “perfect” and risk fumbling a bit?

And, when the fear arises....

Gentle Suggestions for Working with It:

1. Work With Your Mind: The mind loves to attach to fear-based beliefs. It is so critical to work with our minds diligently and consciously. When those voices arise around you of inadequacy or lack of ability, lack of self-worth, etc. counter them with simple mantras such as: “I am love.”I am worthy”. “I am capable”. “I am strong”. I have so much to offer the world”. “I know what I know”. Whatever resonates with you…

2. Baby Steps: Taking even the smallest of steps forward, past the fear and out of the comfort zone, have impact. Slow and steady = progress.

3. Awareness of Physical Posture: How we carry ourselves in our bodies has tremendous impact on our state of being and how we feel about ourselves. Notice and amend whenever you find yourself hunched over. Sit and stand tall in the truth of who you are. Notice how much more powerful you feel when you are sitting and standing with an upright, open, and alert posture.

4. Write: Write down your visions, your dreams, and your goals for this lifetime. What do you want to actualize/create? How do you want to feel in your life? In your body? In your heart? In your soul? Notice what fears arise. What arises that counters these visions and goals? Feel free to write them down too. Often getting these things out of our heads and onto paper so that we can really see them is a cathartic experience and loosens up the grip of fear.

We are all alive today for a reason.

We cannot wait until we are perfect to take action on our dreams, to connect with that person, create that business, to move towards actualizing our life’s vision.

All that we have is right now and we can choose to continuously push through the fear towards possibility.

Life is messy. Being human is messy. If we are waiting for the perfect moment to make a move towards our dreams, we will be waiting for a very long time.

My message here is to not allow fear to dim your light.

Opening our hearts, our mouths, our souls, our spirits, and our bodies to our life’s destiny requires conviction. It requires a devotion to oneself and truly the deepest level of compassion for our fumbles and inevitable imperfections.

Feel the fear, take those deep breaths, and keep stepping towards the truth of who you are and your mission for this lifetime.

You are needed. We are needed.

Keep pushing past the fear and open up to a whole new world of possibility.


Gratitude in Action

