Trust Your Inner Compass
As the world reopens, the energy continues to swirl, and input is entering our systems from so many different is crucial to cultivate the capacity to trust our own inner compass of knowing who we are and what we need.
To learn to attune in to our inner truth, separate from what others think or feel about who we are, but rather the essence of US.
To tap into that deep well of intuitive knowing from deep within.
To be able to be quiet with ourselves.
There is a bit of a frenzy to do and experience everything that we haven’t been able to for the past 15 months…it can be very overwhelming.
It is quite normal and natural to feel a little lost during this time of re-emergence from the pandemic. Even going into a store without a mask on feels like a foreign experience and extremely disorienting.
What I am being reminded of repeatedly is that we are all allowed to do this time of re-entry in our own way, in our own timing, and in a way that feels aligned with who we are and what we need. Personally, I have found myself enthusiastic some days to explore the world, dine at bustling restaurants, socialization….and other days I need to retreat back into my home flow.
Many of us have spent the bulk of this past year close to home and the re-entry can feel jarring to our system if forced.
How can we re-enter the world grounded, embodied, and aligned with our own inner compass?
How can we cultivate that trust in our own unique process of life and inner journey so as to inform our outer trajectory with authenticity and truth?
As I talk about often (perhaps preach about??), it is so important to create the platform, practices, and opportunities to drop deeply down into yourself, into your body, into your heart. To do whatever you can to access the present moment through your senses and in resourcing yourself into your beautiful body.
To connect deeply with your truth, with your own inner compass, and (a very crucial component of this process), to choose to trust yourself and the wisdom, messages, and information that are surfacing.
If this time of pandemic has taught us anything, it is that we cannot rely on the outside world to feel secure, comfortable, and/or at ease.
This time is about us tuning so deeply into ourselves so that we may move through life guided by our inner compass of knowing.
Asking yourself questions such as am I moving in the direction of love or am I responding and/or reacting to life from a place of fear?
Remaining in inquiry of yourself and your unique process of life. Being in consistent dialogue with yourself and learning how to distinguish between what the habitual storyline and ego are speaking to you as opposed to your authentically aligned intuition.
Giving ourselves time to just BE, rather than always DOING, so as to tune in and become familiar with our own unique voice of true knowing.
It is so easy to, and the human condition, to seek others input when making choices and decisions in our lives. As if someone else knows better than we do about our own life. While, of course, there are moments when we are enhanced by others sharing and insight about our personal journey (hence coaches and therapists!), all of the answers and wisdom truly lie within.
Whether it is social media likes or text/email responses, or praise for a creative project, or words of acknowledgment and validation…we all have a piece of this in us.
This alone can be one of the most debilitating and disempowering patterns in ones life. The constant search for outward validation, answers, approval, and permission, keeps one stuck in cycle of dysfunction, paralysis, and disconnect.
The antidote is to learn how to get quiet, tune in, hear, and actually listen.
To excavate ourselves from the comparison trap, the need for approval, and, most importantly, the grasp that the outer world can have on our inner world, requires diligence and consistence in practices that drop us deeply down into who we are.
What would it feel like to actually trust yourself? Your intuition? Your inner compass? Do you know?
Have you had the experience of moving through life in utter trust of yourself, the unfolding of your life, and your inner voices of intuitive knowing? If your answer is no or maybe or on occasion…no worries!
We begin exactly where we are in every moment and it is never too late to engage with ourselves on that level. I am so passionate about supporting everyone and anyone in creating a daily meditation practice, which is, to me, the gateway to the depths of who we are. Please do reach out if you are in need of some support in this arena.
The infinite well of inner wisdom is always accessible if we can stop the excessive input and allow ourselves the time and space for quiet connection.
Whether it is social media likes or text/email responses, or praise for a creative project, or words of acknowledgment and validation…we all have a piece of this in us.
What if (a radical idea!) we just allowed ourselves to BE exactly who we are, share what we feel moved to to the world, wrote about what we are inspired to….without any attachment to a response or reaction from the outside world?
How would that feel? Can you gift yourself with moments of this?
We can build these muscles of confidence in who we are – an ease in our state of being, a soothing sensation in moving through life connected to ourselves and embodied in our own skin.
Exactly how we are. Right now, in this moment.