Changing the Story
Everyone has a story or even many stories that they perhaps consciously or unconsciously abide by. Whether it’s life circumstances, messages they have been fed, or situations that they’ve been in, somewhere along the road they have taken these stories on as their identity.
Quite often we move through life with this storyline embedded in our being and it can inform our everyday reality in massive ways.
It is a tremendous leap of faith to choose to change the storyline, to choose to step out of the grasp of the dialogue, and step into a place that is more in alignment with the truth of who you are and how you want to live your life.
To choose to turn down the volume on the story and turn the dial up on your dreams, visions, and true path of life.
Bringing awareness to our habitual stories and ways of navigating life is absolutely the first step to changing the story. Going against the grain of life as you have known it and choosing to open to new possibilities of living and being that are in alignment can be scary and extremely uncomfortable.
Yet, with time and diligence, when we do start to rattle our inner cages and open to the light, the Universe gives us deep nods of agreement that we can feel from inside of our souls.
How do you want to show up in your life? What storyline has been pulling at you that feels expired and out of alignment? What are your dreams and visions for yourself, for your family, for your relationships, for your work in the world? What story or stories have been negating your vibrance, light, and truth?
As always, NO JUDGEMENT for anything that is surfacing. Anytime we make the choice to create big shifts and changes in our lives, there is a natural backlash. The medicine and momentum comes when we can turn away from the gunk/funk/pulls down and towards the truth and integrity.
As the seasons change, the energy of the world shifts and morphs, life in these exceptional times continues to churn, there is the opportunity to get clear and be proactive in changing the story. These times have truly forced us all to turn towards ourselves in a very new way to really re-evaluate, re-assess, and re-create our lives.
Some forced changes, of course, but also the opening to live in a way that honors who we are from our core.
It’s a natural time, in this transition of seasons, to access to make some new choices and change the story.
I will share with you, with great vulnerability, that I have definitely carried around a story around that being a single mom means struggle. That being a single mom means challenge and is always an uphill battle. That being a single mom equates to suffering.
This is obviously something that has some societal charge around and a tremendous stigma. In the past few years, I have chosen to reframe that story. I have chosen to celebrate my solitude in parenting and honor and appreciate the absolutely incredible relationship that I have with my son as a result of our journey as a duo.
This choice is not discounting the natural challenges that are alive in raising a child alone, but rather provides the opportunity for the energy to shift and the possibility of creating a life that is in alignment with love, with truth, with abundance, with aliveness, with joy, with satisfaction, with success.
This choice has shifted something deep within me and has provided the platform for a beautiful evolution in my story as Kai’s mom, as a solo parent, and as an entrepreneur. The possibilities feel open, spacious, and endless of continuing to navigate this lifetime together and excitement of what is to come.
So, what story or stories are you holding that perhaps needs to shift?
What stories have shaped your life that feel completely out of alignment with the truth of who you are?
What storyline is running on repeat that needs to change?
What subconscious beliefs about yourself are you carrying around that you know are holding you back from living your life with presence and love?
Here are some tangible and powerful steps to take and tools to use when choosing to change the story:
Awareness: Becoming aware of the storylines that are informing our lives is the first, and critical, step to changing them.
Believe that it is possible! No changes will come unless you BELIEVE that they are possible. Check your mind and the journey it takes you on negating this new reality.
Fed up with the story: You know those moments when you literally become so sick of the same, same, but different ways in which you are moving through life? Those moments when the pattern becomes so crystal clear and obviously needing to shift? THOSE are the opportunities to seize, release, and step towards the new.
Make your practice BE feeling into the new story: Begin to embed the new story from the inside out. What does it feel like? How does it feel in your body? In your movements? In your interactions? Bring this new feeling, new possibility, into your life and invite it to infuse your everyday moments. Act as if this new story is already your current reality.
Create affirmations that promote your new storyline: Short, succinct, simple, powerful affirmations or statements that are aligned with the new story will accelerate your process. I suggest writing them down and repeating them throughout your days and, especially, when you fall into the realm of doubt around this new story.
Take tangible and concrete steps in the direction of your new story. Often. No step forward is too small. Keep taking steps towards your dreams, your visions, your new and amazing story for your life. Every single day.
When you forget and fall back in the old cadence (which you will!), just pick yourself right back up again and dip back into the new story, the new energy and reality that you are choosing.
Present moment wisdom: Orient yourself back into the present moment through your senses. From the present moment, the possibilities of choosing new pathways and stories is infinite.
Fake it til you make it: I know that there are mixed reviews with this particular approach but in my experience, it works in moments when you need it to. If you are struggling in the old story, try to feel into the new one to the best of your ability. Act as if you already have that partner or that house or whatever your new story entails. Move through the world as if it already is so. See how that shifts your energy on the whole and propelling you in a very different direction.
Be Pro-Active: if you’re sick of the story you must stay active in creating a new one. If you feel stuck just do something, anything, in the direction of a new story a new reality a new home a new life a new relationship a new job anything small steps make a huge difference
The final piece I want to offer here is to be consistent, be diligent with your words (to yourself!), your actions, and your attitude.
Sustainable change does not happen overnight.
Consistent, intentional, holistic, and embodied practices are key to staying afloat during these exceptional times.
May we be the change that this world so desperately needs.
One moment at a time.
As always, please reach out if you need support.
I am here.