My word for the year is connection.
Naturally, in these pandemic times, our ability to connect with others has shifted in innumerable ways.
We have been forced to get really creative with how we are connecting with fellow humans. We have sifted and sorted in the vein of whom feel most aligned for us to be connecting with.
Our priorities and needs have morphed and changed around what serves us on the whole in the realm of connection in these dense times.
While I imagined this word to be my guiding light in connecting with other beating hearts on the path, and I do know that this is a huge component of this responsibility, what I am coming back down to is the root of this word. The call to action of connection with SELF first and foremost. I am feeling the pull towards deepening in my own connection to myself, which provides the platform for more authentic, vulnerable, and heart opening connections to others.
We are in midst of Winter, COVID continues on and on and on, there is no more potent moment to turn within. To cultivate that depth of connection with ourselves that is impenetrable and in integrity with the truth of exactly who we are. Right now, in this moment in time.
Personally speaking, I am certainly not lacking in this realm – as my inner work and inner connection has been at the forefront of my personal work for decades – yet, these time shave propelled so many into “next level” work. That is how this notion of connection is showing up for me right now.
What I am becoming more and more aware of, from deep within, is that when I am disconnected from myself it is not possible for me to connect with others from an authentically aligned place.
You may be saying…yes, that is not rocket science….and, I agree wholeheartedly.
Of course, we know this but to actually put it into play, into action, and most importantly into our bodies in a way that guides us, informs us, and inspires us….is a whole new level of being.
I chose to explore this the past few weeks in my own embodied self, while being in quarantine with my son who tested positive, seeing clients virtually, creating a new program, cooking/cleaning/and serving my boy in isolation. I noticed that whenever I was feeling wound in my nervous system and disconnected from my physical body, it was literally impossible to drop in with any of the above.
I was fragmented and not able to access myself which prevented my anchor from landing.
An epidemic in the human condition I can boldly state.
When I took the time to slow everything down, to open my eyes wide and take in the moment, feel my breath, my body, my heart beating, the energy pulsing through me….the time to connect with myself in the present moment, I could land in whatever was happening in the moment.
I felt soft and receptive in my heart, relaxed in my body, energized by the entire journey I was on, and overall deeply connected to whomever or whatever I was encountering.
What I also know is that when I am disconnected from myself, I am highly reactive (primarily towards my sweet boys endless requests and chatter!).
So, the invitation here is to bring awareness to ourselves. No matter how evolved you feel that you are, there is always room for growth.
What I know for certain is that the world needs now, more than ever before, those whom are doing their deep inner work. Those whom are able to humbly look at themselves so as to be pillars of love, of light, of authenticity, of vulnerability, of embodied connection.
As the desire and need for outer connection intensifies at this juncture of the wild ride of COVID-land, perhaps turn within. Use this time and space to dive deeply into oneself. Extract oneself from patterns and habits of disconnect in one’s being that are beyond expired.
Choose connection.
Choose Self.
Choose love and kindness and hope and peace and care….beginning right within our own beautiful beings.