Transforming Fear Into Power
How often do we feel an impulse to do something, create something, say something...only to be stopped by gut wrenching fear?
Can you articulate that moment in your own life where fear impedes in your process and stops you in your tracks?
What is something that you have been wanting to make happen in your life personally and/or professionally that those voices of fear have taken hold of and squashed?
And, what to do about it?
As humans, we are plagued by fear every day to one extent or another. These times have certainly exacerbated this experience for so many, with fear being pumped into our systems from every angle.
It can demand a daily, moment-by-moment practice of learning how to unlearn this pattern and orientation towards fear and to imprint our systems with the energy of possibility, love, acceptance, and power.
**With this being said, if you are someone who is struggling with deeply seeded emotional imprints of fear, this conversation may not impact you to the degree that it will someone who has moderate moments of fear surfacing. I am in no way minimizing how deeply paralyzing fear can be for so many in their lives. If this is you that I am speaking to, I highly recommend seeking a professional who can give you the proper support to work the fear and transform in your own unique way.**
It is my mission to bring women together in sacred and safe spaces where they can heal, grow, and tap into that power from deep within with witness and support.
Over the years, I have certainly had my own inner flames of fear fanned by those not happy with my approach.
I have had horror stories of women calling me out in the middle of my circles. Women who have created lists of all that I did "wrong" in their eyes and then offered this scalding unsolicited advice to me after an event. I even had a woman *leave* one of my retreats without saying a word to me and then proceeding to send me a barrage of texts about how horrible I am.
However, I keep carrying forward. My mission becomes more enlivened by the day, by the event, and by witnessing the incredible transformation that women are experiencing as a result of my guidance.
I know that the more visible and verbal I become, the louder the outside world will respond. And not always positively or productively.
Yet, the choice to remain small, contained and quiet out of fear is not an option. I know, from deep within my heart and soul, that this work is mine to offer and that it is impossible to make everyone happy. I will never gain the approval of every single woman who chooses to attend my events or book a session with me, or crosses paths with me on any level.
That is just not how life works.
Allowing fear to run the show is a life sentence of struggle and dissatisfaction. It is a path of dis-ease and dis-connect. It is a track of collapse and pain.
Choosing to transform our natural human fears into action is a transformational gesture on our own behalf. And, we have the capacity to meet our lives with the whole of who we are, our most authentic and empowered selves.
We can truly transform our fear into power in every crevice of our lives.
How can we meet our fears with reverence and continuously take steps forward anyhow? How can we honor the voices of fear and still move towards our dreams, our visions, and our goals?
Awareness is key. Being in a state of self-inquiry is essential.
Staying curious and open is non-negotiable.
Slowing down and noticing those moments when the fear takes charge and the dreams, visions, and impulses dissipate.
What is going on for you in those moments?
What messages are going through your mind? Are they true? Are they yours?
How do you feel in your body? What are the sensations that are coursing through your body?
Then, the key is to train ourselves to feel the fear and all that the fear is bringing to the table of our Being. How does it feel to be experiencing this fear? To have the fear take over our vision and intentions?
Finally, the most important piece here is to be aware and make the choice to step forward anyhow…despite the fear! Have the conversation, launch the event or program, and take the leap toward the dream that you have been simmering with.
It doesn’t mean that the fear is gone, but rather it diminishes in strength and power is returned to YOU.
You can transform your life and the entire state of being by working in this way with yourself and your habitual ways of living and being...including the allowance of fear seeping into your life.
Are you ready to take some big steps forward in your life? Past the fear and towards the possibility and power? I would be honored to be a guide and support for you. HERE is a link to schedule a Free 20-Minute Clarity Call.