Embrace the Darkness
Everyone, and I mean everyone, goes through darker times in their human existence. Just because they may not be outwardly verbal or visible about those moments, that does not mean that they don’t exist.
For better or worse, I have been gifted with the path of true authenticity in my life, which naturally informs and enlightens my work in the world. It's just who I am.
I share from my own experiences and the depths of my heart with the intention of hopefully helping someone reading and/or listening feel less alone in their humanness.
These past few weeks, a dark cloud landed on me and it felt as though it might never leave. Of course, after 25+ years of submersion in deep personal work, I knew it would. Yet, this particular dive felt dense….and….LONG.
It lingered and taunted me with questions of my own evolutionary process. My trusty practices were being done, yet nothing was shifting it. Momentary relief arrived in waves, yet I remained engulfed by the darkness for more days than I have in many, many years.
These are the junctures when I know in my bones that we must dig deep and trust. To stay close to ourselves, perhaps shrink our bubble of connections for the time being, and do our work.
And, sometimes it feels impossible to stay upright and manage it all and the surrender to the contraction feels like all that can be done in the moment.
The descent has so much to teach us, if we are willing and open to listen.
So, surrender I did.
I allowed for the moments of contraction, I showed up to the best of my ability for my life, I let my partner into another aspect of my humanness, I worked with my old stories and beliefs and realities, I countered the feelings of shame welling up in me and….the dark cloud finally lifted.
I found my light again.
I remembered gratitude.
I poured on the compassion, care, and love that I needed in the moment, and, things shifted.
I returned to myself. To my body. To my own beating and weary heart. I learned deeper medicine about myself, about relationship, about my passion for my work and supporting others.
I gained access to another layer of inner wisdom that I am not sure I would have been able to if I had not taken the descent.
I remembered and embodied the fact that at times we need the times of contraction to open up to new levels of expansion.
And, I wrote an article for Brainz Magazine ….Embrace the Darkness and Open to New Possibilities of Light.
May we all cultivate deep compassion and empathy for ourselves and for our fellow humans in all of their flavors of living and being.
May we be real about our own experiences so as to help others feel less alone on their path.
May we remember that healing happens in layers and some of the layers are dense with darkness and muck and others are light and expansive.
We cannot bypass the darkness.
When we do, we internalize it and it can create endless issues on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.
Learning how to embrace the darker times and soaking up the medicine that is available in the descent is a beautiful and important gift to offer ourselves and those in our lives.
We need the times of contraction to open up to new levels of expansion.
With each descent comes new possibilities in rising.
**Are you struggling to access yourself in midst of the swirls of life? Do you feel consumed by darkness regularly in your life? Are you stuck in some patterns that perhaps do not serve you? Are you longing for a deeper connection to your true self and, in turn, your relationships?
I would be honored to be of support and guidance.
Body-Centered Holistic Empowerment Coaching is a wellness coaching session that focuses on sustainable healing and transformation from the inside out. It is a unique alternative to traditional therapy and is highly effective in supporting one to access their true self, release debilitating patterns of living, and reclaim ones sense of wholeness through a variety of therapeutic avenues (including Somatic Therapy, Body Awareness, Mindfulness, Movement, and Holistic Wellness Modalities).
Working with me is an opportunity to drop in to your body, dig into your hearts stirrings, uncover and hear all that which is holding you back from living a life of presence and connection, and create attainable action steps towards your unique imprint of healing and empowerment.
Together, we will create the platform for new pathways of growth and possibility.
Let's connect and see if we are a good fit to work together!
As always, I am sending you all my sincerest love, gratitude, and compassion along your own journey of this wild, human, feeling life.
Take good care of yourselves and be kind to each other.