Compassion in Action

Happy Holiday week! I hope that no matter where you are, with whom, in whatever circumstances and configuration that you are able to pause, reflect, rest, connect, and reset your systems this week.
This week’s message is a short (at least short for me!), sweet, and simple offering as it is my hope that you are able to take some time away from your screens, even if a few hours, and come back HOME to yourselves after these wild couple of weeks (or years!).
The invitation this week is in honoring our humanness…offering perspective on the whole picture of ourselves and those whom we may be sharing our time and space with this week. By no means does this refer to enabling others to be unkind and harmful, yet the gesture is around compassion in action.

Compassion in our interactions and relations.
This time of year can be very triggering for so many people for one reason or another. Perhaps within family systems, family members no longer here, not having anyone to spend the holidays with, the state of the world and the impact that it is having on individuals and communities, the extreme division that many are feeling, the sadness and confusion, etc…
This time of year, the holidays, always magnifies many issues that often remain under the surface.
I always remind myself that we truly have no idea what is going on for our fellow humans…no matter how long we have known them. That every single human is navigating terrain that we do not know about as it is their own personal biography and way of functioning. 

What the world needs now, more than ever, are humans whom can pour on the love and compassion for one another, let go of the judgment and barriers of each other, and open to new ways of relating based upon care, empathy, and a genuine intention to heal and grow. 
The offering in inquiry that I have for you today to carry through your holiday time is:

  • How can we bring compassion into our interactions and relations during this holiday time?


  • What can we do to gain perspective, a birds eye view, of the varying dynamics and situations that we may find ourselves in?


  • How can we be intentional in our interactions? Compassionate for our collective humanity and the underlying pain that so many are experiencing?


  • Can we shift out of a place of judgment and evaluation of each other into compassion and love?


  • Can we soften our hearts rather than harden them?


  • Can we drop the stories that we carry around about others and ourselves for just a moment and open to real connection?


  • What can you do, as an individual, to shift the energy in your life? In your family life? In your relationships?

Perhaps this year, you can do things differently….intentionally create new pathways in your life, beginning with yourself and your own habitual ways of living and being. I truly believe that our personal work has rippling effects on others.

Perhaps this year, we can choose to create ripples in our own homes and family systems that are authentic, aligned, connected, life-enhancing, health promoting, inspiring, supportive, and loving.
May we all do our part in healing the whole, beginning in our own hearts.
Wherever this message finds you along your path and journey of life, may you feel held by your own inner arms, seen for who you are at your essence, and know that you are not alone.
I am always here for connection and/or support.

May we all hold each other with love, with compassion, with reverence, with care, and in acknowledgment of our perfectly imperfect humanness during this holiday time and beyond. 

 **A little bonus offering this week....I wrote a short list of ways of staying embodied during the upheaval of the holiday time. I hope that these suggestions are helpful! The link is here to read,
Embodied Rx for the Holidays, in full.


Connection = Longevity


Embodied Rx for the Holiday Season