Embodied Rx for the Holiday Season

So many dread this time of year, for one reason or another. I am not saying everyone, but for many this time of year is triggering. Whether it’s the over consumption of heavy, rich foods, the dysfunctional family dynamics, being alone and having no one to spend the holiday with, etc. etc.


This offering today is this a simple acknowledgment that there’s nothing wrong with you if this time of year is difficult. There are so many families divided during these times, either by physical proximity, by belief systems, or just overall the recognition and acknowledgment of a very broken world.


You are not alone. There is so much support out here for you. I would be honored to be of support if you are in need. Please do not hesitate to reach out!


Now getting to the purpose of this post….I wanted to offer you all some simple and embodied ways of taking care during these holiday times beginning this week with Thanksgiving and moving through Christmas. Self-care is non-negotiable during these times and is heightened during the holidays. Take what lands for you from the below list and leave the rest. (This also could be a great list to have handy for life on the whole!)


·      Hydrate. That may sound ridiculous and obvious, yet, even if you’re not consuming a lot of alcohol, you may be dehydrated from being out of your routine and rhythm. Travel, new environments, new climates, eating food that perhaps you are not accustomed to eating can all impact your hydration levels… Drink more water than you think you need.


·      Up the ante on your supplements. I am a huge proponent of supplementation on the whole as our food just does not contain the nutrients that we need. I especially like taking more greens during these times. My favorites are Wheatgrass, Chlorella, and Spirulina. I love ordering from this company called Organic Burst. I have found the quality to be much higher grade than others.


·      Stay connected to someone, anyone who can be a steady anchor for you. Just recognizing that everyone is having their own experience it is very helpful to have someone you can lean into during this time. Perhaps you even just acknowledge prior to diving into the holidays that, “Hey I need to be texting with you, or can we hop on the phone if need be?”


·      Move your body. Even though you may be out of your routine and consuming things that you don’t normally consume, you can still move your body even if it is simple, subtle movements. Anything you can do to bring some motion and connect with your breath. I love doing little, short “movement moments”. Even if all you have is to go into the bathroom and jump up and down or shake things out or stretch a limb. Work with what you have.


·      Do not punish yourself. For anything. What you eat, what you drink, what comes out of your mouth… Again, these are exceptional times, and the holidays bring stuff up. Stay kind and compassionate with yourself. Cultivate some semblance of gentleness with your process and trust that you are doing the best you can in the moment. This will pass.


·      Create an affirmation for yourself for the holiday time. An “I am” statement that reminds you of who you are. Reminds you of your truth, brings you into the present moment, and drops you into your body.


·      Stay awake….to the best of your ability. Don’t check out even if it’s really hard. Just take it all in… perhaps create a birdseye view and perspective of the bigger picture. Perhaps you can then find compassion and empathy for everyone else around you who are perhaps doing the best they can given the tools that they have.


·      Rest when you can. The travel, the socializing, the consuming… All of it demands diligence with our rest. Maybe you need to excuse yourself earlier than others and go to sleep or at least carve out moments of quiet when you can. Your nervous system needs that in order to reset.


·      Appreciate the moments. Find gratitude and the little things. Life is precious. Is there anything that you can find some inspiration and appreciation around this year? Perhaps it is observing your own responses to the world around you. Perhaps you’re able to acknowledge the tremendous growth that you have made in your life. Maybe it’s the abundance of food that you’re privileged to have access to. Something. Anything.


·      Drink herbal tea… Tulsi and Chamomile are amazing herbs to calm your nervous system. They support, nourish, tonify, sooth, aid in digestion…They’re calming but not sedating. I love making a big mug of tea and taking it with me in my day in addition to the cups that I’m making at home. I feel a huge difference and those days when I drink tea as opposed to not.


·      Give yourself permission to indulge a little bit. Obviously, if you are a recovering alcoholic, this is not a permission slip to drink, but maybe loosen the reins on yourself for a couple of days. Focus on pleasure and enjoying the moment and the holiday spirit. Focus on the connections rather than the stress. Shift your focus on the whole picture. Work with your mind.


·      Take a step outside and breathe in some fresh air if it’s accessible to you. Take some space if you need it. Allow the fresh air to drop you into your body, calm your system, and enliven your senses.


·      Focus on your breath. Begin to bring awareness into those moments when you are not breathing fully and see if you can encourage your breath to fill your belly feel the effect that that has on your nervous system and your ability to meet the moment in integrity.


The final piece that I want to share here is that a little goes a long way…even if you only have 5 minutes to do some stretching, 5 minutes to stop and just breathe….whatever you can do *will* make a tremendous difference in your experience.


Sending love and blessings to you all during this holiday season!


Compassion in Action


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