The Ripple Affect
I have been thinking a lot about the ripple affect…yes, I am choosing to use the word “affect” rather than “effect” as I believe that it is a more appropriate usage of the word with what I am describing and feeling. “Affecting” something lands on a more emotional and energetic level while “effecting” something, to me, has a more mechanical and predictable influence and path.
We can certainly take this conversation to so many different places but the most important one, in this moment and for the purpose of this offering, is about how we are treating ourselves, taking care of ourselves, meeting ourselves…and the affect that these moment-by-moment, day-by-day choices have on the collective…beginning in our immediate homes, families and communities, and expanding.
A beautiful visual is that of dropping a small pebble in still water…depending on how hard you plop it down it will either create little ripples or grander, more defined and pronounced ripples in the water. We have the power and choice as to how deep we want our ripple to land.
The ripple affect can show up in endless ways…many of which I would imagine that resonate with you. This is not rocket science, yet it is a gesture of remembering…of acknowledging…of grounding in a space of awareness around the impact of our choices.
And, that we can choose to create profound ripples of healing beginning within our own nervous systems, bodies, and hearts…impacting those whom we encounter on our unique path and journey of life.
Here are some ripples that are at the forefront of my heart and soul…these movements, to me, may feel subtle at times, yet their affect is tremendous:
· The ripple affect of getting up before the people we live with do and dropping in before engaging with others and the outside world.
· The ripple affect of hitting the pause button rather than habitually reacting in a way that we know causes harm.
· The ripple affect of choosing to rest rather than push through and drain our life force energy unnecessarily.
· The ripple affect of women coming together with vulnerability and authenticity and truth and feeling seen and heard and supported and loved rather than shamed or judged or isolated.
· The ripple affect of choosing in any moment, of any given day, to turn towards ourselves with love and compassion and empathy and acceptance rather than harm.
· The ripple affect of choosing to bring consciousness into our everyday interactions… yes with the people we live with, and our families and loved ones… but also with strangers that we cross paths with in our days. A smile towards a stranger goes a long way…
This is truly an endless journey of creating impact through the ripples of our moment-by-moment lives. And it begins with each and every one of us to do our work.
This feels like an important conversation to have and inspiration to offer as, today, when this message lands in your inbox, it is officially the final day of another WILD and impactful year of being alive. 2024 certainly delivered many opportunities for growth and new possibilities.
Many went through extremely painful encounters and, yet, what I am seeing with each passing day is a fury of energy and passion stirring in the women I am interacting with.
That flame from deep within of determination and commitment to themselves…in growing, healing, and embodying their truth, their purpose, and, with humbleness recognizing the cobwebs that remain to be cleared.
It is my hope that as we end this year of 2024 and turn towards 2025, that we can remain connected to that passion and fire and continue on our paths of becoming. That we can create profound ripples in ourselves and in our lives and relations that we, as a collective, can carry the torch of light forward. In our own unique and individual ways.
So, as we turned towards this new year ahead… Leaving behind all the 2024 was and opening to new possibilities in 2025. What kind of ripple do you want to have? What ripples do you want to create in your life in yourself, in your relationships, in your communities, in the world at large?
And what steps can you take towards even beginning to create some new ripples that serve you rather than diminish you? That soften rather than hard than you? That bring you into deeper connection rather than isolation?
Remember… Small, consistent steps, create sustainable shifts. It does not need to be a big, grandiose gesture, but rather it's the moment-by-moment day-by-day choices, actions, movements, practices, interactions, and steps that we take that will indeed create the deepest ripples for ourselves for those in our lives and for the greater good.
Many Blessings on this NEW YEAR to each of you!!
Thank you for being on this journey with me. I welcome connection in any way that you are needing.
Perhaps this new year is the year for us to meet on retreat together, or on the dance floor, or in my office either in person or zoom…I am HERE…in service, in support, and with unwavering love, compassion, and profound empathy for the wild human experience of life.