Whenever I feel stuck in my life, stagnant in my energy, collapsed in my motivation, or any other force that is dragging me down….I create. For me, writing is a tremendously healing outlet, yet, sometimes, I cannot sit down and write a single sentence.

This is when I know that I need to be out in nature and speak what I am feeling. Speak into my phone and record the creativity and inspiration that is bubbling up needing an outlet and voice.
I had that moment earlier this week and rather than forcing myself to sit and write in my notebook, I got myself to my favorite trail and the below is what came through, raw and inspired by many client conversations over the past week….

At the end of the day, no matter what we are navigating, to me the most important piece of the puzzle is us learning how to sit with ourselves. Learning how to be in our own skin. How to be in our bodies, exactly as they are, with the imperfections and pain and injuries and aging…the whole gamut of bodily experiences.
How to be with our wounded, activated, traumatized, impacted, and imprinted selves...and to dive deep within these sticky and excruciating parts of ourselves and do the work to locate our breath and BE with all of us.
Without shaming or blaming, judging or causing harm, abandoning or neglecting, fleeing or berating.
We can psychoanalyze all day long all of the reasons why we are the way that we are. We can try every possible modality to help us to heal, and yes, often it takes a combination of modalities and practices (hence the holistic healing perspective and approach), but truly this is about us carving out the time, making the commitment to, and showing up for ourselves in midst of it all.
Taking those deep breaths, even if it's for a millisecond and scary, in midst of a triggering event or experience....making contact with ourselves in those moments...working with our own minds through simple affirmations and practices…
Accessing ourselves in the present moment in any way that works for us. Touch. Breath. Sensations. Visual. Auditory. Connection. Feeling. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
Nothing fancy to do to do the work of embodiment.
Of sustainable and holistic healing.
No complex techniques or steps that must be followed.
This is an inward journey with the possibility of simple and effective ways of connecting to oneself.
We can take all the supplements in the world (I am definitely a proponent of supplementation, yet *nothing* is the MAGIC PILL!), we can pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to see every healer in the book, to follow the latest and greatest teacher and their miracle method....yet what I know to be true in my own life and in the decades of trauma that I had to unwind in my own system.... that I WAS MY GREATEST HEALER.
That learning how to sit with myself in my body with my heart beating in midst of the waves of life, was the most effective healing modality I ever experienced.
So, rather than looking for the next most amazing healer or practice or supplement that's going to be the catalyst that shifts everything for you… take a look inside.
Tune into your body.
Commit to a daily practice of some sort that helps anchor you in the present moment no matter what swirling around in and around you.
Acknowledge the level of trauma that you have in your system and commit to yourself that you are not abandoning yourself. You are with you.
And, as always, seek assistance when needed!
Get support. Find connection. Receive those reminders when you need.
Please know that this is an important component of healing as well. Where it becomes a dependency, a crutch, an excuse to not do our own work is when we need to really take a look inside.
When we are always searching outward for the answers, that is when we must take a moment and really look within.
Remember, you are your own greatest healer and teacher. You have the answers within you and the power of choice to continuously choose to show up for YOU.

Take those deep belly breaths, pour on the self-love and affirmation of your powerful existence and trust in the unfolding of your precious life.

Sending out LOVE and deep COMPASSION to my fellow humans.  
You are not alone.


Winter Solstice Blessings to all! 


 Take good care of yourselves and be kind to each other.



The Ripple Affect


The Sacred Pause