

"Once you know who you are, nothing can stop you".

~Stedman Graham

If you spend any time on social media, the frequent sharing of pictures from years past will pop out onto your screen. Normally (and I use that term loosely!) there are the sighs of joy in past memories, the heart-full experience of remembering events, and encounters of the past.

This year, and specifically at this time, feels even more potent. Exactly a year ago most of us were experiencing our final hurrahs at restaurants, concerts, school events, conferences, etc…although we didn’t know it at the time.

The picture above popped up in my feed a few days ago and it truly brought me to tears. A year ago, my son and the rest of his 5th grade class put on their musical, Mary Poppins.

In other school years, this would still be a time of celebration as the 5th graders make their final appearance in their beloved elementary school years, this one, obviously, has taken on a whole new meaning.

I was especially moved by this image in seeing my son beyond excited and joyful in his costume and recognizing, not only how hard he and his peers had worked to put this performance together, but also how hard my son worked in his years at Mesa Elementary…culminating in this moment in time.

Kai landed at Mesa in midst of extreme struggle and his time in those walls truly shaped who he is today. His transformation was nothing short of miraculous.

Of course, I had no idea that this would be the last time I would have the opportunity to come together with this community, to hug the teachers and administrators that literally changed the course of my son’s life, and to express my gratitude in person to these incredible and caring adults.

As we are all in our own process around what was then and what is now, this story feels like a potent sharing of the impermanence of life and how important it is to truly seize the moment.

Here we are, almost exactly a year into this upheaval.

As we walk our own unique paths forward, it is a wonderful opportunity to also do some reflection.

How have you grown during this year?
What has shifted in your personal life?
Your professional life?
Who have been your people, your champions, your comrades during this crazy time?
Where do you stand now, a year later?
What are your successes?
What progress have you made in your life this past year?
How has your relationship with yourself changed?

In midst of so much loss, there is also infinite growth and possibility. Some pathways of the latter may be felt now, while some may remain elusive.

Wherever you are on the spectrum, it is OKAY.

What feels most important to me at this juncture is really honoring this journey, however it has looked for you, whatever has transpired, come to pass, been birthed, evolved….honoring it all.

Most importantly, honoring yourselves for exactly where you are. If you are upright, needing to lean on something, or collapsed....accepting yourself exactly where you are and how you are in this moment.

Meeting yourselves at this juncture, gifting yourselves the experience of reflection, and offering the possibility of turning in another direction now.

What does that look and feel like for you?
What direction are you feeling pulled towards?
Who are you feeling aligned with at this time of pivot?
What’s next for you on this wild and windy path?

I would love to know how you are! Always know that I am out here in support if ever needed.

Stay connected.


Relationship to Self


Finding Balance in the Imbalance