Breaking Patterns Sustainably

Last week I recorded a very short video on Instagram about breaking patterns.I am personally challenging myself to show up on video consistently (although I am terrified!)  to offer little nuggets of inspiration along this wild path of being a human as I believe that we must keep stepping out of our comfort zones to grow…
Many reached out to me and shared that it resonated deeply with them in their lives and relationships. The message felt worthy of sharing with all of you as well.
Everyone is changing. We are all growing and healing and there have certainly been a lot of old patterns up for evaluation.
I am sure that many want to break these patterns in a huge, drastic, overnight way (don’t we all!). Yet, to me on this sustainable healing journey, it is often important to create changes in small increments, sometimes on a more subtle level, so that our systems have the opportunity to acclimate. So that our systems can get grounded in this new place, this new reality… that is where the sustainable changes come.
If we force changes to happen or force ourselves to try and break a pattern from our heads, without dropping down into our bodies and feeling ourselves along the way, then the changes don’t stick and the patterns inevitably go back to how they were. We did not give ourselves the opportunity and experience to feel them, resonate with them, integrate them, and orient them on an embodied level.

Perhaps as you are in your own pattern-breaking-process, you can start to feel into what smaller, more subtle shifts you can start to take or make that are in the direction of breaking an old cycle or pattern of living, being, and/or relating…And, stay with yourself every step of the way.

Let yourself feel it in your body.
Let yourself become grounded before you try to take another step and another step and another step…until you feel the new swirling in your being.
Acclimated and oriented into your body, your heart, your soul and anchored in the integrity of who you are.
I always love to know where you are on your journey! Please reach out anytime by replying to this email directly or setting up a 20-minute connect time.

Wishing you a relaxing, fun, connecting long holiday weekend ahead.
I hope you are doing something that makes your body and heart sing!


The Transitions of Our Lives


Leaning Into the Unknown